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All Products Are Available 1. Arq Ajwain Indications : Chronic Fever, Appetizer & Antacid Administration & Dosage : 5ml twice a day 2. Arq Badyan Indications : Liver tonic, Stomachic & Gastro intestinal trouble Administration & Dosage : 125 ml. Lukewarm 3. Arq Biranjasif Indications : Liver tonic, Stomachic, Gastro intestinal trouble & Phlegmatic fever Administration & Dosage : 60 ml. with 6gm Maj. Nankhan 4. Arq Elaichi Indications : Nausea, Vomiting & Diarrhea, Cardio tonic & Exhilarant Administration & Dosage : 25ml B.D. 5. Arq Gauzaban Indications : Cardio tonic & Exhilarant & quenches…

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Gilo Capsule Haldi CapsuleKonch Capsule Amla Capsule Arjun Capsule Asgand Capsule Beal Capsule Brahmi Capsule Gokhru Khurd Capsule Karela Capsule Lehsun Capsule Mulethi Capsule Majeeth Capsule Kundur Capsule Punarnava Capsule Neem Capsule Satawar Capsule Shigru Capsule Guggul Capsule Sonth Capsule Tagara Capsule Tulsi Capsule Arusa Capsule Gurmar Capsule

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Berge Arusa (Adhatoda vasica Nees.) Berge Arusa is a pure herb extract. Berge Arusa or Malabar Nut is a unique herb that helps support the bronchial function. It promotes expulsion of phlegm. Berge Arusa helps in respiratory comfort. Berge Arusa supports the immune system. Benefits of Vasaka / Berge Arusa : Berge Arusa promotes upper respiratory health. Berge Arusa maintains optimum bronchial effectiveness. Berge Arusa provides overall support of the respiratory function. Berge Arusa supports the immune system Berge Arusa relieves phlegm and gives relief where the phlegm is thick by liquefying it. Indications : Asthma, Bleeding Gums, Breathlessness, Bronchitis…

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Tulsi (Ocimum sanctum Linn.) Tulsi, also known as Ocimum sanctum, or holy basil, has been used medicinally in India for at least a few thousand years. Due to its reputation of improving a wide-spectrum of ailments, conditions and symptoms, tulsi is also nicknamed the “Queen of Herbs” in most regions of India. Tulsi displays many medicinal properties and is commonly used as a natural antioxidant, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and adaptogen. Adaptogens are substances that have the ability to reduce stress levels by boosting immune response and balancing hormone levels. Benefits of Raihan (Tulsi) : Supports your healthy vision Helps bolster your…

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Tagara (Valeriana Wallichii.) Asaroon (Tagara) has been traditionally used as a mild relaxant. Asaroon (Tagara) is an aphrodisiac and diuretic. It helps to treat epilepsy and acts as a cardiac & nervine tonic. It is beneficial in anxiety and helps to cope up with stressfull conditions. Asaroon (Tagara) is specially recommended to treat sleep disorders. Asaroon (Valeriana wallichi) root stocks are aromatic. They yield aromatic oil, which contains valeric acid. It is a very good relaxant and used in insomnia and sleep disorders. Benefits of Asaroon : Asaroon supports normal sound sleep Asaroon relieves occasional sleeplessnes Asaroon maintains a healthy…

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Adrak (Zingiber officinale Rosc.) There are many health benefits of ginger. This powerful herb has been shown to be useful in the treatment of everything from cancer to migraines. Ginger has a long tradition of being very effective in alleviating symptoms of gastrointestinal distress. The health benefits of ginger have been known for over 2000 years. In Eastern societies, ginger has always been known for its healing powers. Ginger is said to be excellent for the digestion, but it also has many more health benefits. Sonth (Adrak) has been used as a natural remedy for many ailments for centuries. Now,…

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Guggul are an effective herbal weight loss supplement which helps lowering down overweight. It is useful to remove stubborn fats deposited around waist, thighs and buttock. It reduces high cholesterol from the arteries and thereby cleaning them. This wonderful product also provides strength to the joints and nervous system. It helps in fighting various degenerative, inflammatory and other wear and tear conditions. Guggul Capsules are prepared from the gum resin obtained from Commiphora mukul tree. It is purely a natural substance and helps lowering down overweight without causing any adverse side effects. Guggul Capsules are pure, vegetarian and natural supplements…

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Shigru (Moringa oleifera Lam.) Shigru or Moringa oleifera leaves are beneficial in inflammatory conditions of joints. It reduces pain and swelling in the joints. Biological activity studies have confirmed the anti-inflammatory, anti-spasmodic and anti-arthritic properties. Swelling in the joints. Action : Biological activity studies have confirmed the anti-inflammatory, anti-spasmodic and anti-arthritic properties. Indications : Joint pain. Swelling in the joints. Arthritis.

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Shatavari (Asparagus racemosus Willd.) Satawar (Shatavari) is a pure herb extract. Satawar is considered to be the most helpful herb for women as it helps in balancing the female hormonal system. The main herbal rejuvenative for women, Satawar nourishes and cleanses the blood and the female reproductive organs thus supporting the body’s natural fertility. It nourishes the womb and ovum and supports the female organs for pregnancy. It also promotes body’s natural lactation. Satawar contains phyto-estrogens, the precursors of estrogen and is very useful for women who suffer from low natural estrogen levels as a result of menopause, hysterectomies or…

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Neem (Melia azadirachta Linn.) The benefits and value of neem (Azadirachta indica) tree and all its parts, do not require any introduction. Their uses in curing and preventing many diseases not only in humans but also in animals have been known to mankind for long. Neem is also used to protect plants from pests and insects, neem is also used to stimulate the growth of plants as it is considered to be a natural manure without any toxic effects. We give below some of the most important benefits. Benefits of Neem : Neem supports normal skin health Neem is helpful…

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