Acino Powder

As the name signifies Acino Powder this herbal preparation is very useful for individuals who are suffering from various types of gastric problems and this works as Herbal Constipation Remedy. And is really beneficial in acute as well as chronic disease. This is known to provide relief in all types of abdominal diseases including abdominal pain, suppression of the power of digestion, indigestion, Constipation.

Acino Powder

Acino Powder is beneficial in following conditions as :
  • Acino Powder is useful in constipation and other gastric problem.
  • Acino Powder is mild purgative.
  • Acino Powder relieves constipation.
  • Acino Powder is also known to bring about stimulation of digestion.
  • Acino Powder is known to benefit individual suffering from acidity or hyperacidity.
  • Acino Powder also brings about relief in nervous cramps, muscular cramps or muscular tensions.