Browsing: General Health

General Health

Natural vitamins herb (has vitamin C) for immunity booster and gives amla benefits to a great extent as it is…

Aloe Vera E+ Gel is a natural cleaning and disinfecting gel from the aloe Vera plant. It relieves itching, burns,…

Aids-NIL Capsule is a Herbal medicine for HIV/AIDS indication. Which help HIV/AIDS sufferers to get their CD4 back to normal…

If you are having problems with your blood pressure, then you need HT-Nil Capsules. This is a capsule that contains…

Heightole-XL Capsule is a natural product, which helps to increase the height of the human body. It helps in stimulating…

Alcohol addiction is a very common problem in our culture today. But the use of Anto-Bacus Capsule for alcohol addiction…

Leucol Plus Cream is a medicated cream for external use only, particularly in Leucoderma including Reddish or White Patches on…

Halaal Miswaak Tooth Paste is a scientifically formulated herbal toothpaste with pure extract of the Babul tree ‘Acacia Arabia’. The…

Futrelex Cream is an effective moisturizer that maintains the health of your feet by treating dry, chapped and cracked heels.…

Acigo is a traditional Ayurvedic formula used to reduce and remove heat in the digestive system. It is commonly used…